29 May 2015


I haven't written a "personal" blog post in a hot minute, so today I thought I'd sit and jot down what my current goals are/what I'm aiming to do this summer.

( ^^ Nikki Blackketter is my all-time fav. )

I was sick this past week, and it was killing me because I hadn't been able to hit the gym/track my macros/etc. But I've tried to take it all in stride and I've treated those past few days as a "refeed." (<< aka rebuilding the metabolism in order to cut more effectively.) I've been trying to listen to my body, making sure to give it lots of rest so that it can recover to the fullest.

16 May 2015


"Born on Kauai and raised in Lake Tahoe, California, Elena Hight is one of professional snowboarding's shining stars. At 13-years-old, Elena became the first female to land a 900 in competition; and it 2013, she became the first snowboarder, male or female, to land a double backside alley-lop rodeo at the Winter X Games Superpipe finals in Aspen, Colorado. 

Now at 24-years-old, she's already a two-time Olympian and quickly asserted herself as one of the most recognized females in the sport. In addition to snowboarding, Elena's passion for running, yoga, surfing, and cooking balance her love for living an active, healthy life."

12 April 2015


( my sour patch gum is kinda hidden in the pic, lol ^^ )

I made a quick lil trip to target today to grab a few extra things to add into my meals for this week, so I thought I'd share what I got w/ y'all. I think the total was somewhere around $20-25!

04 April 2015


You know those moments where you feel invincible? Like anything is possible, and everything will be okay? I love that.

The thing is, this feeling can sometimes be fleeting; but it doesn't have to be. If you set your sights on a goal, a place, an idea, or a possibility, this feeling can be yours forever.

03 April 2015


Cindy Whitehead is obviously a total boss. Between skateboarding professionally and building an empowering brand, she's done it all. Check her out:

+ introduce yourself:

 Cindy Whitehead, from Hermosa Beach, California and I still live in this beautiful beach town that embraces skate & surf culture. 

I was one of the few pro vert female skateboarders in the 70s and now have a brand called Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word which helps shine a light on girls in action sports via our website, collaboration skateboards with Dusters California, and our newest collab with XS Helmets. 

Both of these collars give back financially and/or with product to females in skateboarding.

+ give us the deets on your skateboarding career:

I got my first skateboard at age 8, but seriously stated skateboarding at age 14. I turned pro at age 16 and traveled to skateparks all over the USA to compete and do demos. At age 15 I was the first female to have a 2 page article plus centerfold in a skateboarding magazine.